Our Family’s Hiking Journey: Milestones, Memories and Growth

As a family, we began our hiking adventure on November 8, 2020 – the day we celebrated my husband’s birthday. What started as a simple birthday hike has turned into a cherished family tradition that has brought us closer and allowed us to explore the beauty of nature together.

hiking journey

Our Milestones

– 149 Tracks Recorded

– 494.9 Miles Covered (approx. 796.8 km)

– 40,327 Feet Climbed (approx. 12,291.9 meters)

– 21 Days, 9 Hours, 51 Minutes Adventured (about 514 hours)

Nature and Business: A Perfect Blend

Running my own business has been both fulfilling and challenging. Balancing work and family life is no small feat, but our hikes have provided a peaceful escape from the daily hustle. I love nature, and being able to mix work with the calm of the outdoors has been amazing.

Often, I find myself solving work problems and handling tasks even while on the trails. It’s a reminder that there is more to life than just office work. The fresh air, the sound of birds, and the rustle of leaves provide the perfect setting for both family time and creative thinking. These moments in nature have sparked some of my best business ideas and solutions.

A Journey of Perseverance and Joy

From our first hikes with a buggy for our little ones to now, where our kids hike on their own, the change has been incredible. Seeing them grow from toddlers who needed help to confident young hikers mirrors my own journey in business. It took patience, encouragement, and a lot of support to get where we are today. Each step on the trail is a step towards personal and professional growth.

One of the most amazing things is how much we’ve climbed. We’ve climbed 40,327 feet in total, which is deeper than the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world’s oceans at about 36,070 feet. Knowing we’ve climbed higher than the deepest place on Earth is truly inspiring!

Creating Lasting Memories

Our hiking journey is about more than just physical milestones; it’s about the emotional and spiritual growth we experience together. The trails have taught us resilience and the beauty of perseverance. We’ve climbed the equivalent of the Empire State Building nearly 28 times and covered more distance than the length of the Nile River within Egypt.

These experiences have strengthened our family bond and created a treasure of memories that we will cherish forever. We have countless photos from our hikes, capturing not just the stunning landscapes but also the special moments of our children’s growth. The parallels between running a business and hiking are clear—both need resilience, determination, and a clear vision of the goal.

A Personal Reflection

These hikes have been a journey of growth not just for our children, but for us as parents and professionals. Watching our kids grow from needing help to becoming confident hikers is a reminder of the passage of time and the importance of making the most of each moment. For me, it’s a blend of the work I love and the nature I cherish, creating a perfect balance between my professional and personal life.

Thank you for being part of our journey. We hope our story inspires you to start your own adventures, whatever they may be. Here’s to many more miles, mountains, and memories ahead!

Warmly, Ilva and family.