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I guess it is not a secret that for the last few months, everyone in the HMO industry has been buzzing about the upcoming HMO Awards 2024 that took place on the 31st of May 2024.
Appreciating the industry leaders
This is an exciting time for everyone in the HMO industry as the Awards recognise so many people who contribute towards the HMO industry. People who keep raising the standards of the HMO properties and services related to them. The Awards include many different categories to recognise all aspects of the industry such as HMO developers, interior designers, providers of services and hardware such as thermostats, technology and inventories, HMO finance providers, HMO agencies, managers, and HMO education providers. There is even a category for creating sustainability in HMO properties. If you wish to see a full list, you can find it here:

Improving the industry and having fun!
So why are such Awards necessary in the industry? Well, first of all, because it’s fun. The HMO industry is a very serious business that brings a ton of responsibility to people providing and managing HMO properties. That’s why bringing in a pinch of fun in the ever-so-regulated and weighty business is a great idea. Secondly, having such Awards yearly keeps bringing the standards and capabilities of the HMO industry to much higher levels every single year.

It is a great way for industry leaders to reflect on what they are doing great and what they could still improve. As the questionnaires for all of the categories at the Awards are very detailed, it is a great way to reflect on your business and ask yourself an important question of what we can do better but also recognise what we are already doing great.

Great opportunity for up-and-comers
The Awards are also a great way to recognise the best industry leaders but also, in a way, help small and medium-sized businesses grow and get recognised. Very often, young and new agencies are well-managed and have a refreshing impact on the industry. Whenever someone implements a novelty in the industry regarding how they manage their workflow or advertise their properties etc., it helps other agencies to notice the positive impact it brings and implement it into their own actions and strategies. Being recognised at such a Ceremony gives the smaller agencies recognition and boosts their growth. This is beneficial for the whole industry.

Best Agency at HMO Awards 2024!
At Prime Property Care we have been working extremely hard helping landlords and managing HMO properties in London and we are honoured to announce that we have been chosen as London’s Best Agency! The whole team is extremely proud of what we have accomplished and being recognised in such a nationwide event meant the world to us and motivates us hugely to constantly improve and change the HMO industry for the best!

We have been working relentlessly for the past 12 years to provide significant value for the Landlords and to create a homely environment for our tenants which they are proud to call their home. We have always attempted to implement our friendly, open-minded and positive attitude in the properties we manage and we are extremely happy that this unique approach is helping in improving the industry and people’s lives.

Network, connect and get inspired!
Another great thing about the Ceremony is that it is a great way to meet other HMO specialists and learn from each other. The HMO Awards is a whole-day event with different educational presentations on the agenda so it is a great way to get inspired, meet new friends and learn how to keep improving the HMO industry together. Click here to learn how to choose the right HMO Management company for your portfolio.

The future of the industry
We have been managing HMO properties in London for the last 12 years and we have seen the industry change a lot and for the most part, we have seen it improved. The HMO Management market currently provides better-managed, safer homes that are provided to tenants as an exceptional experience. These are the properties that simply meet tenants’ needs. I can certainly say that pushing the industry standards is important to keep growing and thriving as a whole industry. HMO properties are very unique to the UK as not many countries have such a model where tenants can rent a room or an en-suite in a licensed property, where they do not need to worry about the bills, the furniture or maintenance – everything is so simple, easy and ready for the tenant to move and enjoy that charm of an HMO property. In most other countries in Europe, you won’t be able to simply rent just a room. If you want to rent just a room, you would need to find a group of friends you want to rent the whole property with and manage all the bills and services. So having a yearly event that celebrates and drives such a unique and much-needed industry forward is an absolute blessing and necessity. And we are honored to be a part of it.