HMO management is so much about communication than actual property itself.
So what’s the best formula for successful communications with tenants, landlords, contractors and your team?

Well there are so many things to consider but in my opinion the best rule of thumb is treating everyone with care (which is why our HMO management company is called Prime Property Care) and respect of course. Always assuming the best intentions from the other person is my formula that has been proven for 10 years now.
Also, remembering that each person requires a slightly different approach is essential. Template flow emails are great, but they don’t work for everyone.
For example, in my experience contractors and engineers for repairs usually required more management and as clear instructions as possible. And showing appreciation once the work is done is really important. Showing appreciation is important with everyone. And let’s agree that we are genuinely grateful to everyone in the business. To tenants for treating you and the property well. To landlords for trusting you with their properties and investments and to your team for helping you to leverage and achieve the goals. And it takes very little effort to show our genuine appreciation, but it brings so much joy to the other person. And isn’t it amazing that with our words and actions we can create something so beautiful for another person as Joy.

And, yes I know things aren’t always as smooth and beautiful and full of gratitude and appreciation, sometimes there might be a tenant or maybe a contractor or perhaps even a landlord who isn’t the kindest person you have met, or perhaps they done an intentional error or maybe its a person who simply requires a constant attention. And I think we all can agree that no one likes to babysit another adult and give them an extra cup of your valuable time. So what is the best approach in communications in these little bit more complex situations?

Firstly, I personally would remember rule number one – assume the best of the person’s intentions. And in more complex situations, it’s very often very useful to say it. Let the person know that you believe the person had the best intentions in this situation and perhaps the error is just a misunderstanding and with very straightforward and clear language state to the person what would be the best solution in this situation.

And perhaps it is worth mentioning that when dealing with more complex situations in communications, complaints and negativity, it’s best to give yourself time to react and communicate in the best way possible. If it’s through email, type the email first, but don’t send it. Then give yourself a few hours of time or even the whole day if time allows, and return to the email again with a much cooler and kinder mind. If it’s right there in person in conversation, it’s ok to take time to breathe in. I even have said in the conversation that I really need to breathe at least 30 seconds to be able to resolve the situation in the best way possible. It’s ok to breathe in, smile and reflect on only then let the words flow, because what is said can’t be ,,unsaid,, anymore.

So let’s communicate with intelligence and let the words and solutions be our inspiration.